31 Days 31 Scores
October 5th
“A good cop can’t sleep because he’s missing a piece of the puzzle. And a bad cop can’t sleep because his conscience won’t let him.”
Welcome back to 31 Days 31 Scores. I often have mentioned vibe in the past when it comes to scores. 2002’s “Insomnia” by David Julyan creates a vibe for a film that, I will admit, is a thriller rather than horror. Julyan’s score still brings out a feeling of unease despite this and really creates a wonderful vibe. There is an unsettling quiet to this score that bubbles just below the surface. (Kay’s Theme & Kay’s Bog) Julyan continues to create a downbeat vibe throughout the entire score. While this downbeat style works for a movie it makes for a more challenging listen on CD as most of the music sits in this quiet unease for most of the score. The score wakes up a little during the cue “Walter’s Lake House” with some well placed strings that transition into low percussion and ends with a rather effective low string arrangement. I can’t stress enough how great the vibe is here as Julyan subtly uses the orchestration to throw the listener off a little. A challenging listen but one that can be enjoyed if given a chance.
Join me tomorrow for more 31 Days 31 Scores where “Everyone comes here looking for a way out”